What comes to mind when you hear 'Russia'? Unforgettable architecture that feels plucked from a storybook? Vodka-soaked celebrations that blur the lines between chaos and camaraderie? Literary giants whose works defined eras? Towering mountains and landscapes that stretch into eternity? Tick, tick, and tick.
Russia offers all of this and more — an enigmatic mix of beauty, complexity, and contradiction. Yes, it can frustrate with its bureaucracy, challenge your patience with its quirks, and confuse with the stoic demeanour of its people.
But if you can embrace the proverb, “laughing for no reason is a sign of stupidity,” and look beyond the surface, you’ll find rewards waiting in the form of profound experiences, unexpected connections, and moments of awe.
Even though not all of my time here was rosy, Russia left its mark — gems emerged, shining bright enough to entertain, challenge, and, at times, even enthral. Here’s hoping this overview of Russia stirs your sense of adventure.