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Nestled between South Africa to the south and Tanzania to the north, this Portuguese colony – on Africa’s eastern frontier – boasts prizeworthy features unfamiliar to the majority. Stepping foot within its borders, although perceptibly challenging, will leave adventure-laden travellers replete with satisfaction and a yearning to return.  These are the reasons to visit Mozambique. 

Dune-Fringed Beaches

Simply traveling a short distance along the coast - in any direction - presents travellers with a taste of the pristine dune-fringed charm you can expect to encounter. Understandably then, Mozambique’s coastline is notably on the radar of most who wish to visit.

Vilankulos Beach Vilankulos Mozambique
Man running into the ocean on Vilankulos Beach Vilankulos Mozambique

Beach-hopping from Beira to Vilankulos, Maxixe, Imhambane and Tofo has thus become a popular pastime and for good reason: the long, white, sandy beaches are surrounded by hued turquoise waters swarming with schools of vibrantly coloured fish. Add to this thrashing waves from the current of the Indian Ocean, traditionally bedecked palhotas dotted along the shoreline and wind-propelled dhows sailing to remote archipelagos, then Mozambique’s beaches may just be the jewel that sparkles in Africa’s nature crown.

Sunset at the northern end of Tofo Beach Mozambique
Tofo Beach Mozambique
Dhow sailing in water near Inhambane Mozambique
Capsized boat on Vilankulos Beach Vilankulos Mozambique

Heed must be paid, however: stepping foot into paradise – that is, visiting one of Mozambique’s many beaches – means forfeiting the chance to uncover the diverse charm existent throughout the country in other less paradisiac locations. Starting at the beach means staying idle, at least until your visa expires.

Fisherman on Tofo Beach Mozambique
Straw hut on Tofo Beach Mozambique

Sparsely Populated Bush and Revitalised Parks

Infrequently visited and slightly off the beaten track, Mozambique’s wilder frontier – to the west of the pristine beaches - rewards visitors with impressive mountain scenery, plentiful wild fauna and local inhabitants often unfamiliar with foreign visitors. Despite certain logistical challenges in getting to such bucolic locations (as highlighted below), the reward is magnífico.

Aside from encountering bodacious souls on environmental crusades to save the world, there are plentiful opportunities to unearth elements of natural beauty indigenous to Mozambique. Simply hitchhiking between Chimoio and Vilankulos provided a glimpse of such beauty.

However, for a richer and more revealing experience, visiting Parque Nacional da Gorongosa provides the full nature immersion. Although controversial in Mozambique’s recent history, in 2011 the national park was deemed to be “ecologically, the most diverse park in the world” by biologist Edward Wilson. It is a conservation story laden with notions of heroism recounted for those easily imbued by ideals of romanticism: a park near destruction is now thriving - teeming with animals in their natural habitat - and it’s only happened thanks to the kindness and generosity of caring souls.

Unique Cultural Fusion

Colonialism has left few corners of the earth untouched: Mozambique, by far, is no exception. Historically and as a result of passing trade via the Indian Ocean, Mozambique’s national character morphed as Arab, Indian and Portuguese explorers left their mark. Fast forward a few decades and this dynamic is still well represented in the nation’s food, language, architecture and attitudes. These facets are closely linked to the way of everyday life for Mozambicans.

Tree-lined streets of Maputo Mozambique
Art studio and gallery in Maputo Mozambique

Maputo, Mozambique’s capital, perfectly resembles this fusion: whether visiting the Municipal Market, meandering through Baixa’s narrow streets bubbling with Indian traders and women draped in capulanas or appreciating the city’s jacaranda-lined wide avenues from a Mediterranean-style sidewalk café, it’s evident. With a vibrant waterside setting, it is easily - from a personal perspective - one of Africa’s most desirable cities. Strolling along suburban streets, it is not uncommon to smell the aroma of barbecued chicken wafting from Portuguese homes - festooned with traditionally designed balustrades – and hear the romantic intonation of Portuguese words gliding through the moist mid-morning air.

Woman carrying belongings on head in Maputo Mozambique
Colonial era railway station in Maputo Mozambique
Grilling chicken on a barbeque in the streets of Maputo Mozambique

Traveling further afield, the fusion is less transparent, yet the nuances of blended culture never entirely dissipate. Portuguese – aside from indigenous languages - is spoken fluently by natives and immigrants alike throughout the country. It is this attribute that makes visiting even the most far-flung corners of the vibrant country so generously rewarding.

Rich travel Rewards

Even though Mozambique’s modern history books have been tarnished with blood, spilled as a result of wars fought for independence, the country’s natural charm is compensatory: intrepid travellers are offered their very own slice of paradise. Whether the appeal is paradisiac beaches, remote archipelagos or rural exploration, Mozambique never fails to provide satisfaction. 

Man fishing on Tofo Beach Mozambique
Man preparing to fish on Tofo Beach Mozambique
Portrait of man fishing on Tofo Beach Mozambique

Although it is less developed than some of its opulent and idyllic island neighbours, it offers a sense of esoterism that is often lacking from frequently travelled destinations. Its turbulent past has seen few travellers pass through. However, the nation is developing rapidly, so for a chance to feel adventurous - like Ferdinand Magellan - before tourism escalates, visit Mozambique now.

Hand of man fishing on Tofo Beach Mozambique

Unique Overland Transport Opportunities

At the core of any adventurer is a burning desire to unearth something new and of importance. As a side to this, having the opportunity to undertake novel and unique experiences - ones that veer away from the road well-travelled - brings countless joy and satisfaction. Perhaps not considered daring by history’s great explorers, getting from Chimoio to Vilankulos inspired a sense of audacity derived only from intrepid travel.

With a significant dearth in transportation linking the two cities, there remained only one option: hitchhiking – at the mercy of Mozambican truck drivers. After constructing a handwritten sign asking for “um passeio, por favour”, standing at the roadside eventuated – after only fifteen minutes – in the gradual deceleration of a semi-trailer.

Despite obvious language barriers, an elementary form of cross-cultural communication emerged during the journey along with a spirit of conviviality. As the countryside flashed by, a rapport was built. An otherwise solitary and repetitious journey for the driver diversified: the encounter – for both - became an opportunity to smile, laugh and make convivial exchanges between two unlikely souls who, in other circumstances, may never have met. Aside from a temporary sleep-induced loss of control, with a swift grab of the wheel to return to safety, the seven-hour journey ended affably and sentimentally.

Stepping outside the infamous comfort zone, therefore, yielded rewards derived only from engaging in a seemingly risqué activity. Was it courageous? Perhaps not, but it was certainly memorable and it invokes a sense of joy every time it comes to mind.

Unconvincing Reasons to Visit Mozambique?

Visiting Mozambique yields rich rewards and, for the spirited traveller yearning for adventure, getting a Mozambican passport stamp will lead to unique experiences inconceivable to the majority. However, if you feel these reasons are not enough to warrant a trip, then perhaps some further research is required.

If you do decide to go, hurry, as times are changing and these experiences may soon be commonplace.

Colourful boats on Tofo Beach Mozambique
A pahlota near Tofo Beach Mozambique
Men launching a boat on Tofo Beach Mozambique

Further Information 

Getting to Mozambique - TRANSPORTATION

Getting around Mozambique - TRANSPORTATION

Getting into Mozambique - VISAS

Staying in Mozambique - ACCOMMODATION

Spending on Mozambique - CURRENCY


Africa, Eastern Africa, hitchhiking, list of reasons, Mozambique

About Ben

Ben on a hotel roof terrace in Jaisalmer India



Ben, a seasoned solo traveller, writer, photographer, nurse, and health advocate, embarked on his global journey in 2003 at 18, transforming travel into his life's work and passion. His website reflects his extensive experience and insights, offering guidance on exploring the world uniquely and maintaining health while on the road.

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